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After a 2 years break for covid restrictions, ACI 2022 was the natural renewal of the collaboration between Grove City College, Connecticut College and Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (CCA) – Roma.
The program, designed in two different sessions, under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Nardi, involved 20 students, coming from several US Colleges, in theoretical lessons and lectures about the significance and risks of cultural heritage, in the CCA Lab in Belmonte in Sabina, Italy.
The hands-on experience program was split in Lab work and Field work in Ancient Corinth, Greece: students were involved in the restoration/conservation of a pebble mosaic, and of several ceramic finds coming from nearby excavations.



Ancora 1

CCA Roma,
Grove City College, Pennsylvania, Randolph College, Virginia, Connecticut College,
29 students

May-July 2022 2 x 145 hours

Conservation of roman frescoe fragments;
Ordinary maintenance, mosaic conservation

CCA's Labs at the Convent of San Nicola, Belmonte in Sabina
Roman Mosaic of Santo Stefano, Tuscany
Ancient Corinth Archaeological Site, Greece


Ancora 2
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