In 2017, due to the prolific collaboration between CCA and US colleges such as Grove City, Connecticut, Randolph, Delaware, ACI was organized in two different sessions, in order to involve 28 coursists, coming from several colleges: Grove City (Pennsylvania), Randolph (Virginia), Connecticut, University of Delaware, Sweet Briar (Virginia), Worcester (Massachusetts).
Under the direction of Dr. Roberto Nardi, students joined his team in three different fieldwork projects that CCA was carrying out at that time: the archaeological conservative investigations in a roman villa owned by a friend of the Emperor Hadrian, nearby Rome; the conservation of the mosaics of the villa of Julius Cesar, in San Cesareo; and the ordinary maintenance of the Cottanello roman villa, close to Rieti.
The hands-on activities were enhanced by study trips and theoretical lectures about principles and risks of cultural heritage, and the importance of conservation.
CCA Roma, Grove City College, Pennsylvania, Randolph College, Virginia, Connecticut College, University of Delaware,
14 students
May-July 2017, 2 x 135 hours
Ordinary maintenance, mosaic conservation,
archaeological conservative investigations
on roman villas
CCA's Labs at the Convent of San Nicola, Belmonte in Sabina, Cottanello roman villa
San Cesareo roman villa
Marco Simone roman villa